Building Your Prayer Life

            Building your prayer life is the most important thing to do in your life. You do not suddenly get to have a prayer life, but you intentionally build one. Prayer is the most powerful thing a believer can do because that is how you connect with God. In this newsletter I want to practically help you learn how to build your prayer life.

I am going to start with the most obvious thing, which is time. You must create time with the Lord. The duration of time does not matter if that is the best that you can do.

Mark 12:41-44, “Then Yeshua sat down opposite the Temple treasury and watched the crowd as they put money into the offering-boxes. Many rich people put in large sums, but a poor widow came and put in two small coins. He called his talmidim (disciples) to him and said to them, “Yes! I tell you, this poor widow has put more in the offering-box than all the others making donations. For all of them, out of their wealth, have contributed money they can easily spare; but she, out of her poverty, has given everything she had to live on.” (CJB)

The challenge here is when you are giving to the Lord, give Him the best you have to offer. Don’t give Him scrapes or your spares give Him your best. When it comes to time, He demands the same. Different seasons will dictate how much time you can set aside to pray, but the important thing is to make sure in each season, you are giving Him the best of your time.

After you have created time, the question now becomes how to pray. When you sit down or kneel to pray your number one enemy is going to be distractions. The easiest way to be distracted is by your phone, so what I recommend is turning it off or hiding it. The other big distraction you will have is a wandering mind. When you start praying, you will remember everything you need to do. So, I would recommend a notebook to write all those things down.


Praying in Tongues

